Tory RoadTrip2015: From fighting for a Conservative majority to bringing young people into politics


In response to research that suggested more young people are becoming right wing, or in better terms, classical liberal – some knowingly and some naturally without even being political in the traditional sense – the left chose two desperate positions. Firstly, they claimed it wasn’t true at all, until more polls showed the same result. Secondly, when they were told that Conservatives believe people want to have the freedom to be responsible for their own lives and spend their hard-earned income without having the government interfering with every aspect of their lives, they said ‘you can’t trust people with their own money’, as a Labour adviser suggested.

The hypocrisy of the Labour party isn’t helping them as they only have 9 months to convince the British public that they are the right choice to lead the country. Putting their out of touch and dangerous policies, such as nationalising everything they see, introducing price control and essentially increasing overall tax and burden on the ordinary people they are supposed to represent aside, how are they planning to win the argument?

Well, they created a centralised campaigning machine with no clear strategy called The 3 Seats Challenge. With the average turnout of 10-20 people and neglecting the improvement of local structures, they had no other option but to use social and national media to personally attack Conservatives, insulting those who vote for them and ‘play politics’ with sensitive issues.


Over a hundred Conservatives in Portsmouth South to campaign against the disgraced Mike Hancock MP

Meanwhile, the Conservative party, under Grant Shapps’s leadership has helped create well organised local structures, thanks to Team2015 and regional coordinators. They have also introduced a new campaign initiative called RoadTrip2015: where hundreds of passionate activists from up and down the country gather in one place, campaign and then go out and have fun. With transport and accommodation being coordinated and activists being offered free drinks, food, a night out and other fun activities throughout the weekend, RoadTrip2015 attracts in average 100-200 people on each day. During the Newark by-election, 600 people from across the country gathered on just one day.

But who is behind this ambitious and successful organisation?

The group running this are ordinary and passionate Conservatives who came together with different backgrounds and professions but with one shared agenda – to achieve a Conservative majority in 2015. In this group, we have law students, teachers, young entrepreneurs, nurses and even art students.

The objective is to give a clear choice to the British people: going backwards to Socialism, more government control and economic failure OR going forward and looking at a brighter future with a Conservative government that can improve ordinary people’s lives and keep this country proud in the world.

Conservative RoadTrip2015 in Great Yarmouth

Conservative RoadTrip2015 in Great Yarmouth

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